Village Deathcare death doula training & retreats
Village Deathcare death doula training & retreats
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It is crucial, now, that deathcare be revived as a healthy part of community. Deathcare is ancient and belongs to no one and belongs to everyone- but we have lost our way. Through examining our own mortality, fears and aspirations, and discovering the challenges of today's complexities of caring for our own dying and dead, we will begin to understand the great importance and urgency of reviving community deathcare. There are many courses to train you within a system of professional care to be a Death Doula (I can recommend some) this training is for deepening the roots of healing within yourself, your home and your community whether that community be physical, virtual or that moves along with you wherever you find yourself. Graduates are changed for life after this course and are well prepared to begin the path of the death doula. Apply by submitting a one page summary of why you would like to be a a village deathcare citizen to strengthen your community and bring deep loving healing into your own life.
OCTOBER 2025 SPIRITED IRELAND (applications now open)
Prior graduation from the Village Deathcare Citizen Course required. Apprenticeship options start at a nine week commitment.
An apprenticeship is a serious endeavor. It means that you have completed the 111 hour course and you want to learn more. In this apprenticeship you are required to follow along in the 9 week course, but this time holding two different perspectives. One is an observation and study of those that are newly embarking upon the deathcare jouney. The second is to answer the weekly questions that I propose to you, to help you refine your gifts and learn what your strengths are in the deathcare world. The answers to these questions you post for the class to read. So, you do not do the VDC assignments all over again (unless you wish to) but you are following along and completing apprenticeship response essays each week.
Interested in making money as a death doula? The apprenticeship is the time when you can learn as much from me as possible. You will be a part of two 2.5 hour mini retreats where we dive deep into the work. You also will have two 45 minute sessions with me solo to further define what it is that you desire and bring it to fruition.
You'll work with the other apprentices on the work that is what I do "behind the scenes" and will be asked to create your own responses to help craft your deathcare support and vocabulary. You'll also have an ongoing job to do for the nine weeks which is in support of the functionality of the course.
The cost for the nine weeks apprenticeship is $499 (or $55/week) which is absolutely a smart investment if you wish to continue on the path as death doula and/or want to start a business for yourself or with others!
Use the button below to start a correspondence. You will have a response within 3 business days- please follow up if you have not had a reply.
Anne-Marie is a trained nurse assistant, former hospice volunteer and active death doula. She offers assistance teaching family and caregivers about bedside care, sitting vigil, open gentle conversation, scheduling, errands, establishing a "flow" in the area of care and other considerations. Please inquire directly for more details. Though not currently taking long term clients due to her active teaching schedule online support is always available.
Anne-Marie is a trained funeral celebrant and writes eulogies, obituaries, ceremonies and offers consulting on Family Directed Home Funerals in Vermont. She has hands-on experience with home funerals, home burial and green burial. Please inquire for more details.
These are current events. To view previous events see the photo section
One hour online support, recommendations for care, flow and circle building around caring for the dying. ALSO, questions you have about your healthy self or another to plan for the future.
Anne-Marie is not taking on long term clients at this time because of her teaching schedule, but she is able to help lay the foundation of care and
One hour online support, recommendations for care, flow and circle building around caring for the dying. ALSO, questions you have about your healthy self or another to plan for the future.
Anne-Marie is not taking on long term clients at this time because of her teaching schedule, but she is able to help lay the foundation of care and time management and link you to her students for ongoing death doula support.
Although Anne-Marie is not currently taking long term clients she remains available for bedside care, discussions, and bridge building between worlds for the one dying.
Email to set up an appointment.
Anne-Marie offers a 9 and 12 week death doula training course, and regularly offers in-person retreats and talks in Vermont and internationally.
A great way to learn more about her work is to read her two time award-winning book, Death Nesting: The Heart-Centered Practices of A Death Doula
PO Box 177 Craftsbury Common, VT 05827, US
TEXT ONLY: 802-777-8527
Writer * Educator * Mother * Doula * Founder of Village Deathcare 501c3 nonprofit.
An advocate for those whose voices are unheard, weak or forgotten, Anne-Marie believes Community Deathcare and open conversation about life and death is crucial for the health of individuals and the planet. With gentle timing, and an uplifted manner, she believes conversation about death makes our own lives and the lives of those around us more precious.
A childhood of magical play in faery forests, a barn full of animals, and teenage years in the circus formed an independent and reflective spirit. At the age of 19 Anne-Marie gave birth to her first child which only deepened her inner love and patience for herself and her wee one. Today, Anne-Marie has three children ages 27, 22 and 9 and has held fast to her circus days by teaching tight wire as a form of body/mind awareness practice.
After two decades of professional event coordination for weddings, fashion shows, concerts, festivals and conferences, Anne-Marie halted everything to work with the elderly. Propelled by her work with the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and her love of an elderly homeless man, she became a Hospice volunteer in 2013. She continued her path of care as a licensed nurse assistant from 2013-2016 and worked with the elderly in residential care and as a private duty nurse. She was the only full time over-night "nurse" and cared for a home of 12 elderly residents. During this time she also studied herbal healing and received a certificate from Mandala Botanicals' 9 month training in Community Herbalism.
When working as the Director of Meals on Wheels in Montpelier her understanding of how often the elderly struggle living on their own with loneliness, physical ailments, embarrassment and confusion only deepened her desire to engage the able bodied in assisting the elderly. She believes that the more conversations and hands on deathcare (neighbor to neighbor and family to friend) that springs forth in communities, the more empathy will be generated, and the better the chance the elderly, sick and dying will have companionship and a feeling of value at the end of life; this is the core of Community Deathcare.
Anne-Marie is a two time award-winning published author and international speaker. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, meditation and basic goodness instructor and has 12 years training in Shambhala Buddhist teachings. She has completed Level I Dying With Confidence training in Phowa with Anyen Rinpoche, completed "This Sacred Journey: Living Purposefully and Dying Fearlessly" with Pema Chodron and has completed a year long Feeding Your Demons® certification course (Buddhist track) with Tsultrim Allione. Anne-Marie has passed the National Home Funeral Alliance proficiency test.
Anne-Marie is a graduate of the BEyond Yonder School of Death Midwifery (Community Deathcare). This four month course of intensive death care training (6 days per week with an average of 20 hours of work per week) covered pre-death needs to post mortem care and disposition. She is qualified to guide families in home funerals and is familiar with Vermont's laws.
After an 8 month training in the fundamentals of celebrancy, ceremonies and ritual, Anne-Marie received her certification as a Life-Cycle Celebrant with a certificate in funerals and memorials. She is a graduate of the Celebrant Foundation and Institute.
About Village Deathcare Celebrant Services:
How do you possibly thank someone for not only taking care of all the details that overwhelm you but also lifting you up when you can't lift yourself? There really are no words but that is what Anne-Marie Keppel does when you feel like you just can't even go on much less do the things necessary when you experience the loss of your life. We received the dreaded call earlier this year that our adult son was in a fatal motor vehicle accident. Our lives were forever changed at that moment but there were things that had to be done & thankfully there was Anne-Marie who took the reins & got us through it even doing things we had no clue were needed. Contacting people we didn't think of contacting & providing a soft shoulder when needed the most. She asked me for info abt diff periods in Bob's life & created a beautiful eulogy out of info provided by us & others. Losing our son will always be the absolutely worst thing we could go through but I honestly don't think I could have pulled together one Celebration of Life much less the 2 needed in 2 diff states. Anne-Marie has a very special caring & compassionate way abt her that really helps. Less than 3 mths after losing our only child my dad crossed over after 2 mths in hospice in another state. A difficult family situation would not have allowed it but I think having Anne-Marie there to guide a family through the final wks/days of their loved one's life would make all the difference. This very special lady definitely will make a very painful time at least somewhat more bearable for you & even help create special end of life memories that will be cherished forever. I'm pretty certain if you utilize her services you will be very glad you did. Blessings to you always Anne-Marie! Namaste'
-L. CT & VT
Dear Anne-Marie
I want to thank you for creating the physical and emotional space , with so much grace, care and love, so that we all together were able to say good bye to Marcelo in such a beautiful and meaningful way . This will not be forgotten . Thank you! Gracias!!
-M, New York, New York
On Home Green Burial:
We buried my dad on the hill behind his home, on the land where all three generations of our family live together. We hay, ski, and walk by his grave through the seasons. It felt peaceful and simple for us to do this at home. A friend built a plain wood coffin, and a few neighbors helped to dig the plot. This is not a weird new idea, nor is it outdated and dangerous; it is normal, and felt right and meaningful for our family.
-R. Hardwick, VT
Anne-Marie has been so kind and generous with her time and knowledge to help me and my mother understand the possibilities of a green burial. We have been exploring the option of a burial on my own property . Anne-Marie has met with us and explained many aspects of the end of life considerations which have been so helpful in making decisions about this important aspect of life and death. I will be continuing to communicate with Anne-Marie about my mothers wishes and also be planning my own end of life care.
-J. Greensboro, VT
I contacted Anne-Marie as I noticed through Front Porch Forum, that she was running a Death Cafe in my village. From talking to her, I also learned she is an end-of-life doula. I've had a keen interest in the art of dying for most of my life and I found Anne-Marie to be very open to meeting with me to discuss her training and expertise in this broadening field. I was at once impressed with her generosity and willingness to help another person on the path as I was her knowledge of the nuances of this field.
-G Craftsbury, VT
"The Symposium was an amazing, rich, multifaceted gathering, so many connections woven, seeds planted, stories shared. I really loved it and learned so much."
-K. Craftsbury, VT
Anne-Marie graciously found a time to talk with me over the phone recently. I spoke with her about what is going on with my mom's illness and about my relationship to grieving. Anne-Marie was kind, gracious, and responsive. Our conversation was a special container for me; I felt encouraged and seen in this heavy and enlivening time in my life of preparing for the death of a parent.
-E. Plainfield, VT
We had a wonderful time sitting Anne-Marie's office and discussing our questions and plans about burial. We appreciate her guidance, the information she gave us, and her forthright attitude about what she could not answer. We came away very satisfied with our conversation with her and with the resources to which she directed us. Thank you, Anne-Marie for taking precious time to spend with us and for being such a gracious human being.
- C. & B. Glover, VT
I was very grateful to be able to talk to Anne-Marie after my son passed away. It was such an excruciating time, and being able to talk to someone whose dharma path was helping people through such a difficult situation was very helpful. I have found that many therapists do not even have this kind of training and experience, so I think her work is very valuable! Thank you Anne Marie!
- M. Crested Butte, Colorado
Anne-Marie, you showed up in record time for me and my family when we were dealing with partner, son, father dying. It was such a relief not to have to even think about asking you for what we needed as you knew just what to do... visit at the hospice and be there for us all. There was a feeling of being known and held, giving us such comfort. I can not thank you enough Anne-Marie for your loving support.
-C. Craftsbury, VT
About the Vermont Death & Dying Symposium: Just being able to sit, discuss, and learn about death felt very healing and healthy. North American culture will sometimes acknowledge that we don't discuss death, but then often that ends the conversation! This symposium felt like a safe space to dive into it more, and to find empowerment on an intimate topic that has become so removed from us and can be scary. Giving everyday people who are not death-trained access to working better with death is helpful for a whole society.
-M. Craftsbury, VT
About the Vermont Death & Dying Symposium: Proud to be part of the Death Positive Movement. By confronting death we come alive. Facing death allows us to stop acting from harmful fear-based habit energy, to bring forth compassion for all life, to find the motivation to make the most of each precious moment. Much gratitude for the VT Death & Dying Symposium, Stardust Meadow, Village Deathcare, Anne-Marie Keppel, Nina Thompson, and everyone else involved.
-P. Lowell, VT
About the VT Death & Dying Symposium: I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to attend the Vermont Death and Dying Symposium in Crafstbury, VT, if only for one day. It's not always easy for those of us interested in death to find a group of people that leaves us with a sense of comrodory and that was what I left with (along with quite a reading list and a stomach full of delicious vegetarian food). There were some tears, a lot of laughter, art, meditation, music, dancing, food, and fire, all against the beautiful backdrop of Craftsbury. I missed what I have no doubt were amazing, informative presentations by Francesca Arnoldy, Sandra Lazorcak, Michelle Acciavatti, and more. I did have the humbling honor of meeting Nina Thompson, founder of The Wake Up To Dying Project, Erica Buist, author of "This Party's Dead", Salicrow, psychic meduim and author of "Jump Girl", Mary Lauren Frasier, who brought along some beautiful hand woven urns and caskets, and Anne Marie-Keppel, host, advocate, educator, and the owner of Casa Luna (which, incidentally, is very hard to leave behind). I would do this every weekend if I could!
-K. Burlington, VT
The Death and Dying Symposium was a very moving and powerful experience for me. It was a strong reminder of my own mortality, but at the same time very life affirming. EVERY presenter was articulate, well organized and offered valuable insights and knowledge. I felt energized, inspired and motivated to live each precious day with more gratitude and awareness.
It was a wonderful surprise that the venue was a comfortable home rather than the usual conference center , and that family members were actively involved and created a warm welcoming atmosphere. I appreciated the small number of participants for that enabled us to get to know each other and feel comfortable sharing.
The beautiful natural surroundings provided space for solitude and leisure walks. The nearby cemetery was a special place for meditation and to feel a connection with people who had passed.
I was moved to say a blessing at each grave to honor the dead.
I almost did not attend the symposium for I was still recovering and exhausted from a serious case of poison, but thankfully I decided to participate . Within hours of arriving at Casa Luna all my symptoms were gone, and I slept well and had amazing dreams for the first time in weeks !
The Symposium was healing for both my body and spirit. I am grateful to everyone who touched my life that weekend and hope our paths cross again.
-I. Montpelier, VT
I feel fortunate to have been part of the Vermont Death and Dying Symposium for two years, as a wounded healer, a registered participant, and as a presenter sharing about Herbal Care for the Dying and the Caregiver. During this profound, welcoming and gentle weekend we nourish ourselves and strengthen the grassroots death positive movement. In my experience it has been a thought provoking, deep diving, safe and sacred space for grieving, speaking to, and exploring death, from the physical to logistical to emotional. Where else could I learn about all aspects of dying in American culture, gain skills and resources for death and dying, process loss I am experiencing right now, and prepare for my own death? Some of the most meaningful conversations possibly of my life, have been at the Symposium. Casa Luna couldn't be more beautiful and appropriate as a venue for this event. Anne-Marie Keppel has a raw, grounded, loving and clear way of holding a strong container, keeping the energy clear and ready. Her work in community death support is truly invaluable. I also appreciate how the Symposium is made accessible for local community members who want to participate in this special and intimate event. Thank you for putting your heart and soul into this for our collective benefit!
-Sandra Lazorcak, Orange, VT
Anne-Marie has been in my life since I was 10 years old. And in the eight years since then I've never felt a lack of genuine and wholehearted compassion from her. In the Shambhala community and elsewhere she's taught me about how to be a gentle, tender, and earnest human being. As I transition into adulthoodI look to her as role model and someone I could turn to no matter what.
- M.C. age 18
Anne-Marie is an extremely wonderful, caring and compassionate teacher. She has been a great inspiration and has genuinely impacted me and how I deal with death, depression and anxiety. She is truly an amazing person.
-G.L. age 18
Anne-Marie is an extraordinarily sweet person and that goes into her teaching. She can also be serious... but in short bursts that can make you listen!
-E.S. age 19
I felt honored to watch you work your magic. :) I could feel how you were holding SO many strands, weaving them expertly into the beautiful fabric of A's dying process. I loved how you knew when to step forward and take charge or gently nudge, and when to step back and let A/the community/Life flow in whatever wild forms were right in the moment. Who you are as a person seems so perfect for this work--aside from all your skills, which are also substantial! I will always be grateful to you, Anne-Marie, for all the guidance and care you gave my dear friend during this deeply sacred passage.
- S. H. Worcester, VT
You donation supports 501c3 nonprofit Village Deathcare whose dedication is to community deathcare and education.