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Is it time to open the book to your own family history? What have your ancestors passed on to you? How have you benefitted or been hindered by events that unfolded long before you were born? Who was your great, great, grandmother and why is it so difficult to track her down?
When you take time to inquire and research, you will discover your family’s strengths
and their traumas. Maybe your family is wracked with addiction, betrayal, and escapism, but also with art, music, humor, and self-preservation. Has that played out in your own life? Did you repeat history or change the story completely? What have you passed on to others in your family or in your community?
Taking time to study your ancestry can be healing-- and also unsettling. By studying on your own, but within the support of a group you can begin to follow the threads of time feeling a web of safety within your discoveries.
Note: You need not know your birth parents or family if you are willing to explore via DNA testing-- Inquire about how this is possible. (Contact form at the bottom of this page.)
For this course there are two paths you can choose-- but even if you choose one path and your friend chooses the other, you'll still be able to study and explore together.
The path of the Ancestral Tree takes time to incorporate encounters with trees in to your studies. Examine the trees on your property and in your community and learn the trees of your ancestral lands and how they were useful to the people at that time and place. This part of the course adds significant depth and time to your studies. The Ancestral Tree path encourages the participant to partake in a forest camping adventure-- either solo, with a partner or with the group. The main study book is "Growth Rings: Ancestral Tree Meditations & End of Life Guided Journal" but all books on ancestry are encourage!
The Bone Finder path studies just the bare bones of where and who your ancestors were. This is an endless path that you will enjoy for the rest of your life-- but studying within a supportive group and resource- sharing will build a solid foundation for exploration and record keeping. This is the core of the course studies without studying trees or forest camping. There is no main text book for this path, but for record keeping you may wish to purchase "Growth Rings." And, all books on ancestry are encouraged!
The Bone Finder path is the core ancestral studies which we all will be participating in! We will meet virtually each week. Those who take the Ancestral Tree path also meet virtually each week, but a half hour before the Bone Finders join.
Though the course is largely self-directed, resources for studying your ancestry are offered, traded and shared.
And, this wouldn't be a thorough exploration without doing a bit of spiritual journey-work along the way...
You may have bits and pieces of your family history, but where you're about to go, there is no map that will be handed to you. You'll be mapping your ancestry as well as your ancestral strengths, traumas and record of major events during your ancestor's lives.
Those who are privileged enough to have time, space and means of studying ancestry owe it to previous generations-- and future generations-- to live today in a wakeful, compassionate and intentional manner...
Both the Ancestral Tree path and the Bone Finders will meet once per week on Sundays via Zoom.
~Both Bone Finders and Ancestral Trees meet together from 6:15-7:15 pm eastern
This is a six week course during which you'll be doing most of the work on your own. There will be weekly prompts to help organize you and weekly Zoom meetings where we come together as a group to discuss our findings, inspire each other and share resources and ideas. It is up to you whether you spend one hour or twenty hours per week studying your ancestry!
Each week you'll be assigned a partner from the group to "check in" with. You're welcome to meet outside of zoom class time as much as you'd like.
The Ancestral Tree group will have additional meeting time close to the end of the course when we go on our forest camping trip.
Each participant will be granted their own ancestral studies page in the online classroom. This is where you share with the group any discoveries, photos, questions or suggestions that you might have. Consider it an online journal about your studies that only your classmates will have access to.
No classes currently scheduled
You're encouraged to buy or borrow as many books on ancestry as you can find!
Those taking the Ancestral Tree path will need to purchase a copy of "Growth Rings: Ancestral Tree Meditations & End of Life Guided Journal."
Bone Finders may want to purchase a copy of "Growth Rings."
Depending on how far you'd like to go, you'll want to do DNA testing and/or get a subscription to one of the family tree networking sites. DNA test results can take 6-8 weeks so get started with plenty of time in advance!
No classes currently scheduled
*Some of these options will be filled for each course. Submit your request early if you wish to do Fair Exchange.*
This will need to be discussed in advance of your payment so we can come to an agreement! Use the message box below to send an inquiry.
This is the option if you are able to pay the full donation amount for path of the Ancestral Tree. Thank you!
Use this option to pay if you are engaging in the partial payment plus doing Fair Exchange. (You'll need to have the Fair Exchange agreement ahead of time!)
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